Quick Tips for Nature Mappers
Veteran Nature Mappers will notice changes to the data entry platform starting January 1, 2023. These changes are designed as upgrades to improve user experience by allowing citizen-scientists to submit wildlife observations “offline” on mobile devices. The upgrades also enable users to submit photos with their observations, add specialized projects with custom data fields, and enhance the platform’s overall security.
To enter your wildlife observations, you’ll need to navigate to naturemapping.jhwildlife.org or download the Nature Mapping Jackson Hole App on your mobile device or tablet. To officially get started with Nature Mapping, you will need to contact JHWF about attending a training session.
Submit your wildlife sightings
Submit sightings for casual observations, project backyard, mountain bluebird nestbox moniotoring and more at our website or via mobile app.
Become a certified Nature Mapper
At this initial training, you will receive login credentials
Data entry and account tips
Learn how to enter sightings in our Nature Mapping Jackson Hole platform.
Wyoming Species List
An updated list of the many wildlife species which make their home in the state of Wyoming.
NMJH Program Goals
- Keeping common species common (studying all species not just high-profile species or species of concern)
- Increasing citizen’s knowledge of and appreciation for wildlife in Teton County, WY.
- Engaging citizens in long-term wildlife data collection.
- Informing management decisions that favor wildlife sustainability.
- Contribute data to the Wyoming Game & Fish Department’s Wildlife Observation System (WOS) to augment state data.
Useful Links