How do you get a bear-resistant trash can?
We recommend you take the following steps:
1. Contact your trash hauler directly and ask if bear-resistant containers are available.
- Westbank Sanitation: (307) 733-2615
- Yellow Iron (307) 734-0583
- Teton Trash Removal: (307) 733-6840
2. If a trash can is not available from your trash hauler, IGBC certified bear-resistant containers may be available for purchase locally at Ace Hardware or available at a discount through JH Bear Solutions.
3. If you purchase your own bear-resistant trash can let your trash hauler know so they can remove your old trash can.
Please note: If you purchase a trash container without going through your hauler you may be responsible for repairs and upkeep of the new container.

Town of Jackson Ordinance (Effective 4/1/2023)
Jackson’s Town Council approved a new ordinance requiring bear-resistant trash cans within a designated ‘Bear Conflict Zone’ effective April 1, 2023. THIS ZONE IS DESIGNATED IN RED ON THE MAP. Click here to view the map of the new ‘Bear Conflict Zone.’
- Trash must be stored in a bear-resistant container or enclosure within the designated ‘Bear Conflict Zone.’
- Bear-resistant containers are encouraged, but not required, in parts of Town outside the ‘Bear Conflict Zone.’
- Do not ‘Snowcone,’ or overfill your trash container so it will not close.
Teton County Land Development Regulation Update (Effective 11/1/2022)
Under new requirements to reduce future bear-human conflict, all trash containers and dumpsters anywhere in Teton County (outside of the Town of Jackson) are required to be approved as IGBC Bear-Resistant as of July, 2022. This includes the Rafter J, Melody Ranch, and East Gros Ventre Butte, areas where bear-resistant containers were not previously required.
In addition to garbage storage, there are updated regulations prohibiting the feeding of all wildlife.

About Bear Wise Jackson Hole
Bear Wise Jackson Hole is a decades long partnership between the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Bridger-Teton National Forest, Grand Teton National Park and the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation. We are a subsidiary of the BearWise Wyoming program. Bear Wise Jackson Hole provides resources and outreach intended to keep bears wild and people safe.
Reducing Human-Bear Conflicts in Teton County
Historically, bear managers in Teton County mostly dealt with black bear conflicts. Today, as the grizzly population grows and expands its range, we are seeing more grizzlies in Jackson’s residential areas.
It is now more important than ever to do your part to deter bear conflict activity before it starts, by making sure that bears never gain access to human food sources in developed areas and by reporting all bear conflicts as soon as they happen to give wildlife managers a chance to respond proactively to alter concerning bear behavior.
NEVER feed wildlife. Store all garbage in bear-resistant containers. Remain 100 yards from bears at all times.
Report bear conflicts to Wyoming Game and Fish at: 307-733-2321

Check out our BearWise Jackson Hole PSA by clicking the video above!
Additional Tips for Avoiding Conflict with Bears, at Home and on the Trails!
- Keep garbage containers inside a secure building until the morning of pickup.
- Store recyclable containers, such as pop cans, indoors; the sweet smells attract bears.
- Store especially smelly garbage, such as meat or fish scraps, in a freezer until it can be taken to a refuse site.
- Do not leave food from barbeques and picnics outdoors, especially overnight; coolers are not bear-proof.
- Replace hummingbird feeders with hanging flower baskets which are also attractive to hummingbirds.
- Pick fruit from trees as soon as its ripe and collect fallen fruit immediately.
- Do not put out feed for wildlife (corn, oats, pellets, three-way, nor molasses blocks). It is harmful to wildlife and prohibited by a Teton County Ordinance.
- Keep a clean camp, when camping. Store all attractants, including coolers, cooking gear, and pet food, inside a bear box or a hard-sided vehicle with the windows rolled up.
- Travel in groups of four or more (when possible) in the backcountry. Carry bear spray and know how to use it.
Photo Credits:
Henry Holdsworth
Mark Gocke
Steve Morriss
Sava Malachowski
Leine Stikkel
Tim Griffith
Jon Mobeck
Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation
Office Location:
25 S. Willow St., Suite 10
Jackson, WY 83001
Mailing Address:
PO Box 8042
Jackson, WY 83002
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