What Pre-Hibernation Means to the Community

As October arrives in Wyoming, it marks a pivotal time for both black bears and grizzlies. The region’s bears are now entering the critical pre-hibernation phase, preparing to settle into their dens for the winter. This process, crucial for the survival of these animals, also brings increased risks of human-bear encounters in the Jackson Hole area. JHWF, through Bear Wise Jackson Hole partnership, is working to mitigate these risks with a focus on introducing bear-resistant grease traps to local businesses.

Understanding Bear Hibernation in Wyoming

Hibernation is an adaptive strategy that both black bears and grizzlies use to survive Wyoming’s harsh winters. As temperatures drop, food becomes scarce, prompting bears to conserve energy by slowing their metabolism and entering dens where they rest for several months.

Timing of Hibernation

  • Black Bears typically start denning around mid-October, with hibernation potentially lasting up to 7.5 months in colder climates.
  • Grizzly Bears usually begin hibernation later, generally hibernating for 5–7 months, depending on the severity of the winter and food availability.
  • Pregnant females of both species enter hibernation earlier to give birth, while males and non-pregnant females enter dens later and emerge earlier in spring.

Hyperphagia: The Intense Pre-Hibernation Feeding Phase

Before hibernation, bears enter a period called hyperphagia, marked by an urgent drive to consume as many calories as possible. During this phase, bears can consume up to 20,000 calories daily, often foraging for more than 20 hours a day.

During hyperphagia, bears:

Increase Activity

  • Bears are more visible during daylight as they roam widely to find food.

Become Less Cautious

  • Bears’ heightened focus on finding calories can lead to more encounters with humans.

Expand Mobility

  • Bears travel beyond their typical ranges, venturing into populated areas.

Bear Safety: Why Grease Traps Matter

As bears search for food in the fall, they are often drawn to human settlements, increasing the likelihood of conflicts. Through the Bear Wise Jackson Hole partnership, Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation aims to reduce these encounters by helping local businesses and homeowners manage attractants effectively. This includes providing grease traps designed to prevent bears from accessing cooking oil and food waste, which are high-calorie attractants, particularly during hyperphagia.

Why Grease Traps Matter

  • High caloric density: Grease offers a tempting, high-energy food source that can attract bears to restaurants and homes.
  • Preventing conflicts: Just like bear-resistant trash cans, these traps prevent bears from accessing grease, reducing their chances of becoming conditioned to human food sources.

Protecting bears and people: Proper waste management minimizes the potential for bears to linger near human settlements, making it safer for both wildlife and residents.

What You Can Do to Help

Bear safety in Jackson Hole is a shared responsibility. Whether you’re a local resident, business owner, or visitor, you can play a role in fostering coexistence by adopting Bear Wise practices:

Secure Garbage

Use bear-resistant containers.

Store Food Safely Outdoors

Keep pet food, livestock feed, and birdseed out of reach.

Carry Bear Spray

Always have bear spray accessible when recreating outdoors.

Support Local Initiatives

Encourage and support the installation of bear-resistant grease traps and trash receptacles.

Working Toward Coexistence

As bears prepare for hibernation, keeping them safe from human conflicts is essential. Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation takes a proactive approach to minimizing risks by addressing attractants and promoting education on bear behavior. Together, we can ensure a safer environment for both humans and bears, protecting Jackson Hole’s iconic wildlife.

JHWF’s Blogs



Restoring Natural Landscapes and Preserving WildlifeThis summer, our team embarked on an ambitious journey to improve local wildlife habitats by tackling an incredible 12 fence modification projects and a major weed removal effort. With the invaluable support of 89...

Protecting Wildlife in Teton County, Idaho and Wyoming

Protecting Wildlife in Teton County, Idaho and Wyoming

Protecting Wildlife in Teton County, Idaho and Wyoming

Blurred Boundaries between Teton County Idaho and Wyoming

Migrating wildlife do not recognize human-imposed boundaries.

lDid you know Teton County, Idaho, has a Wildlife Advisory Committee appointed by the County Commission? Their role is to recommend policies that protect and restore fish and wildlife populations, along with their habitats.  Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation, experts in wildlife conservation, serves on this committee.  

But here’s something else you might not know: Teton County, Idaho, and Teton County, Wyoming, share more than just borders – they share wildlife. Idaho’s wintering mule deer head to Wyoming in the summer, and Wyoming’s elusive wolverines roam the mountains and valleys of eastern Idaho. Moose frequently cross our state lines, oblivious to human-imposed boundaries, and birds call both states home. The connection between our ecosystems is critical to potect and enhance wildife populations in the Greater Yellowstone.  

Why does this matter?

Why does this matter? Because what Idaho does to protect wildlife has a direct impact on Wyoming. In 2022, one of the Wildlife Advisory Committee’s key tasks was reviewing the Natural Resources Overlay, a tool designed to conserve wildlife habitat by guiding development away from critical areas on private land.  

A WIN for Wildlife 

On October 18th, the Teton County Idaho Commissioners took a huge step forward for conservation by unanimously approving the Wildlife Advisory Committee’s recommended NRO (Natural Resource Overlay) update. This decision ensures that historical migration corridors remain protected from the impacts of development along our shared Teton County border between Idaho and Wyoming.

With the valley’s agricultural history and substantial private land, development in Teton County, Idaho, is on the rise. Unfortunately, wildlife populations are concomitantly decreasing, and unplanned growth risks further loss. Some community members have voiced concerns about how development rights may be impacted by these updates, but these changes simply help guide development away from the most critical wildlife areas, without affecting zoning of land.   

Be a Voice for Wildlife

The Teton County Idaho Commissioners’ unanimous approval of the Wildlife Advisory Committee’s recommended Natural Resource Overlay (NRO) update marks a pivotal step in preserving vital wildlife migration paths. Protecting these corridors allows animals to move, feed, and reproduce without disruption. Prioritizing sustainable growth now builds a stronger, healthier ecosystem for both wildlife and our communities.

For more information on the Wildlife Advisory Committee, local wildlife or updates to the Natural Resources Overlay and development code, don’t hesitate to reach out to Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation. Resources on this topic can be found here, in the county’s Natural Resource Overlay (NRO) Revision” dropdown menu.



Beaver Dam Analogs

Restoring Wyoming Landscapes and Reviving Ecosystems

Did you know that humans are now helping nature by building beaver dams? The Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation (JHWF) staff recently participated in a fascinating project that involved doing just that! As part of a workshop on low-tech, process-based restoration of riverscapes, JHWF members got hands-on experience constructing beaver dam analogs (BDAs) in the rugged landscape of LaBarge, Wyoming. This area, with its rich history of over 100 years of oil and gas development and its role as a rendezvous site in the 1800s, is now the focus of important reclamation
and restoration efforts.

The Role of Beaver Dam Analogs (BDAs)

BDAs are simple, hand-built structures made from local natural materials that mimic the engineering skills of beavers. These human-made dams are strategically placed in areas where beaver activity once thrived, such as along willow banks or near old tunnels.

The idea is to replicate and sustain essential natural processes like wood accumulation, temporary water ponding, floodplain connectivity, and, of course, beaver activity.

By restoring these processes, the ultimate goal is to create an environment where beavers, a keystone species in wetland habitats, can return and thrive. Once enough water is reintroduced into the ecosystem, beavers may naturally reestablish themselves or be relocated to these restored areas.

The Importance of Reestablishing Watersheds

Restoring the network of rivers and streams in a watershed is crucial, as it allows for natural flooding and the return of water to areas that need it most. Water is the lifeblood of ecosystems, and it is critical in increasing the planet’s resilience to the impacts of climate change. It creates resilience against fire, drought, and flooding while boosting productivity. Increased water availability also leads to better grazing opportunities for wildlife, further enhancing the ecosystem’s health.

Nature Knows Best:

Beavers as Ecosystem Engineers

While mimicking beaver activity is a fantastic starting point, there’s no substitute for the real thing. Beavers are nature’s engineers, and their ability to manage and maintain wetlands is unparalleled. By creating BDAs and promoting conditions conducive to beaver activity, the hope is that these creatures will once again play their vital role in Wyoming’s riverscapes.

The efforts of the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation and others involved in these restoration projects are a testament to the power of collaboration between humans and nature. Together, we’re helping to revive ecosystems, one beaver dam at a time.



Dealing with Bears in Your Own Backyard

At the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation, we strive to create a safe environment for both residents and wildlife. One of our critical initiatives, as part of our Bear Wise Jackson Hole partnership, is promoting and helping to install bear-resistant fencing. This measure is vital for protecting both your property and the bears that roam our beautiful region.

Bear-resistant fencing is not just a protective barrier; it’s a lifeline for bears and humans alike. These fences prevent bears from accessing gardens, chicken coops, honeybee boxes, and livestock. When bears are drawn to these attractants, they pose a threat to property and human safety. Unfortunately, bears that become accustomed to human food sources often have to be relocated or, in some cases, euthanized. By installing bear-resistant electric fences, we can help ensure that bears stay wild and safe, allowing us to coexist harmoniously.

Preventing bear conflict at your home involves reducing access to attractants. This includes properly securing garbage, pet food, and any other potential food sources. Bear-resistant fencing is a crucial part of this effort, as it keeps bears away from areas where they might find food, thus reducing the likelihood of dangerous encounters.

Bear Safety Tips: Backcountry Encounters

When enjoying the outdoors and backcountry, it’s essential to follow specific safety guidelines to prevent bear conflicts. Seeing a bear in the wild is a remarkable experience, but it’s crucial to remember that bears are powerful and potentially dangerous animals. Here are some essential safety tips to keep in mind while enjoying the natural beauty of Jackson Hole:

Stay in Your Vehicle

If you encounter a bear while driving, please remain in your vehicle. Either pull over at a designated pullout or keep moving to avoid blocking traffic and causing stress to the bear.

Give Bears Space

Whether you’re in your car or on foot, always maintain a distance of at least 100 meters from bears. This distance ensures that bears don’t feel threatened or stressed by your presence.

Never Feed a Bear

Feeding bears can lead to them becoming habituated to humans, which often results in dangerous conflicts. A bear that becomes accustomed to human food sources is at a much higher risk of being euthanized. Always secure your food and never leave it unattended.

Carry Bear Spray and Make Noise

When you’re outside your vehicle, always carry bear spray and know how to use it. Making noise by clapping or shouting can alert bears to your presence, preventing surprise encounters.

Be Bear Wise: Get Involved and Stay Informed

Bear Wise Jackson Hole is dedicated to providing resources and education to help our community live responsibly with bears. By following these guidelines and utilizing bear-resistant fencing at home, and being mindful of bear safety tips in the backcountry, we can enjoy the presence of bears in Jackson Hole while ensuring both our safety and theirs. At the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation, we are committed to promoting coexistence through education and practical solutions. Together, we can protect the wildlife that makes our region so special.

For more information on how to get involved and learn about bear safety, visit Bear Wise Jackson Hole.

JHWF’s Blogs



Restoring Natural Landscapes and Preserving WildlifeThis summer, our team embarked on an ambitious journey to improve local wildlife habitats by tackling an incredible 12 fence modification projects and a major weed removal effort. With the invaluable support of 89...



Creating Healthier Foraging for Wildlife

While it is always good to eat your vegetables, wildlife thrives on native plants. Invasive weed removal re-establishes a healthy foraging environment for wildlife.

Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation is committed to treating invasive weeds annually, and we have “adopted” Coburn Meadows, an area wildlife frequently utilize in Jackson’s Bridger-Teton National Forest.

While a popular recreation destination, Coburn Meadows faces challenges from invasive plant species. The Forest Service relies on volunteer efforts to combat the spread of these plants to preserve the natural beauty and ecological health of this important habitat. Without volunteers assisting the long-term management of weed removal at this location, the effort would not be done effectively, if at all.  JHWF returns to this exact site several times during the year to manage invasive species and maintain the indigenous landscape.


Pesky Plants: What Weeds to Remove and How to Do It

Target Species:

Musk and Bull Thistle: Remove musk thistle using a shovel to chop the root at least 1-2 inches below the soil. If the thistle has yet to flower, it is appropriate to leave the plant on the ground. If the thistle has bolted, and any purple/pink color of the flower is showing, cut the head off, bag, and remove from site.

Houndstongue: Use the same technique as above. If the flower is showing or the plant has already gone to seed, bag and remove these parts of the plant. In previous years, plant skeletons still had viable seeds attached, and they should also be removed. Houndstongue seeds have Velcro-like properties that aid in their dispersal. Check clothes, socks, hair, gloves, tools, etc. for potential “hitchhikers.”

Working Outside

We will provide a water cooler and snacks. Please bring a lunch of your own.

Always expect to be working on uneven ground and to be working in vegetation. You should wear layered clothes, long pants, sturdy shoes, and bring a jacket. Sun protection (hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen lotion) and bug spray is highly recommended. JHWF will provide work gloves and shovels on site. If you prefer to supply your own garden gloves, feel free todo so. Bring your bear spray and wear it on you!

Waivers and Liability: Prior to participation we ask each volunteer for the 2024 season to please sign (once) and return our general liability waiver here.

What to Bring with You

  • Long sleeved pants and shirt

  • Jacket or raincoat

  • Boots

  • Gloves

  • Hat

  • Sunscreen

  • Water

  • Food

  • Bear Spray

How to get to the Meadows

Volunteers coming from north/Jackson will meet in the Smith’s parking lot (SE corner) at 8:00 AM. For those coming from other directions or who would simply rather drive directly to the project location, the directions are:

From Jackson: take Highway22 to Wilson, then turn left onto Fall Creek Road. Stay on Fall Creek Road for approximately 15 miles. Turn right into Coburn Meadow.

From south of Jackson: turn onto South Fall Creek Road off Highway 89, across the road from Pritchard Boat Ramp. Drive approximately 4 miles to Coburn Meadow making sure to veer left once there’s a fork in the road (stay on S. Fall Creek Rd.) Turn left into Coburn Meadow.

The site is recognizable by a large gravel lot, signage, and designated tent sites. The road is accessible to most vehicles, but note that it is a typical, bumpy dirt Forest Service road.

We’ll aim to start working on the project at 9:00 AM and will likely finish before lunchtime depending on the number of volunteers.

JHWF’s Blogs



Restoring Natural Landscapes and Preserving WildlifeThis summer, our team embarked on an ambitious journey to improve local wildlife habitats by tackling an incredible 12 fence modification projects and a major weed removal effort. With the invaluable support of 89...

Owls of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

Owls of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

Did you know that March is when many owls become more vocal and increasingly noticeable on the landscape? To prepare for this exciting time of year, we’re thrilled to host our second Continuing Education Seminar of the year, with Teton Raptor Center’s Dr. Katherine Gura!

Owls of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem” will take place live over Zoom on February 29th from 6-7 pm. Once you RSVP via JotForm, you’ll receive a Zoom link via follow-up email.

Gura will help participants learn how to identify the species of owls that occur in the area using both visual and auditory cues. She will also discuss owl ecology as it pertains to identification.

Gura is interested in behavioral ecology and the effects of environmental change on wildlife. She earned her Ph.D. in Ecology at the University of Wyoming. Prior to attending the University of Wyoming, Gura worked as a field biologist at Teton Raptor Center and has conducted avian research in Wyoming for 14 years. She received a B.A. from Middlebury College, and she originally hails from North Carolina. During her free time, Gura enjoys trail-running with her bird dogs.

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