Our Work

The Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation was formed by citizens who liked to spur on-the-ground action. We embrace our hands-on reputation and thank our many dedicated volunteers.


How We Work

The Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation engages hundreds of volunteers to partner with agencies, organizations and private landowners to build a community that is wildlife-friendly. Our hands-on approach reflects our belief that we are obligated to give back to our community, especially to the wildlife that make it such a special place for all to live. At the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation, we organize our work broadly into three programs; Give Wildlife a Break, Nature Mapping Jackson Hole, and Wildlife-Friendlier Fence. We co-operate several additional programs listed on our website, such as Bearwise Jackson Hole, but these projects either are not managed solely by JHWF or are being phased out of existence for various reasons.

Wildlife-Friendlier Fence and Nature Mapping Jackson Hole are our two most comprehensive programs. Several smaller sub-programs exist under the banner of Nature Mapping, including Casual Observations, Snake River Floats, and our ever-popular Moose Day. Click on an icon below to learn more about our programs, or find what you’re looking for using the drop-down menu at the top of the screen. 

Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation

Office Location:
25 S. Willow St., Suite 10
Jackson, WY 83001

Mailing Address:
PO Box 8042
Jackson, WY 83002

(307) 739-0968

All rights reserved.
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