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Jackson Hole ‘Winter Wildlife’ Quiz

Do you consider yourself an expert on all things winter-wildlife in the Jackson Hole area?

We hope this quiz will test your knowledge when it comes to a few species synonymous with cold temperatures and deep snow here in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.

As always, don’t forget to nature map your wildlife sightings when you’re out-and-about this winter!

1 / 9

Trumpeter Swans occur year-round in Jackson Hole.

In winter, it’s not uncommon to witness Trumpeter Swans flying between open water in the Snake River Corridor and Flat Creek Marsh.

True or False – Trumpeter Swans are assumed to mate for life.


2 / 9

Ermines’ coats turn white in winter to help them blend in with the snow, while elongate body shapes allow this predator to maneuver efficiently through subnivean tunnels in search of prey.

Which two species of weasels are you most likely to encounter in Jackson Hole?

3 / 9

Moose are also exceptionally well adapted to Wyoming’s winters.

However, warming temperatures and a dryer climate is likely to threaten moose populations in coming decades.

Above what winter temperature can moose start to experience “heat stress?”

4 / 9

The elusive wolverine is yet another creature linked to cold, snowy landscapes.

Known to travel extraordinary distances, in 2009 biologists tracked the movements of an individual wolverine from near Togwotee Pass (east of Grand Teton National Park) all the way to…..

5 / 9

Can you identify this hawk?

Pictured here is one of a handful of avian species that occurs in Jackson Hole exclusively in the wintertime.

Can you identify this hawk AND where it spends the summer (breeds)?

6 / 9

While wolves occur year-round in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, winter is an especially good time to be a wolf!

Wolves large paws act as snowshoes which keep them afloat while pursuing prey in deep snow. This advantage can translate into winter hunts having higher levels of success than summer hunts.

Do you know how many separate wolf packs currently inhabit nearby Yellowstone National Park?

7 / 9

Did you know that rabbits and hares are separate species?

Wyoming has both…but only one species of hare (pictured) has a coat that turns white in the winter.

This is likely a tricky question, but do you know how many species of hare are currently found in Wyoming?

8 / 9

When we consider wildlife well-adapted to winter, it’s hard not to think of the Canada lynx!

Although relatively high-quality lynx habitat exists on the eastern edge of Yellowstone, in the Wyoming range, and the northern Wind River Range, lynx are still extremely rare in Wyoming.

Which of the following variables are believed to strongly influence distribution and abundance of the Canada lynx?

9 / 9

The hardy, Black-capped Chickadee can withstand extremely cold temperatures and is one of two, resident Chickadee species which spends the winter in Jackson Hole.

True or False, Chickadees can expand the part of their brains known as the hippocampus by 30% to better remember where they stored their food!

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The average score is 56%


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