Moose Day: Contributing to Moose Science

Every winter, moose in Jackson Hole face extreme challenges. They rely on shrubs like willows and aspen for food, but deep snow and cold temperatures make survival tough. Unlike deer or elk, moose don’t migrate long distances to escape snowpack. Instead, they use their long legs and specialized hooves to navigate deep snow and access food. However, energy conservation is crucial—any unnecessary movement could cost them valuable resources they need to survive the winter.

To better understand how moose are faring during this critical time, the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation (JHWF) hosts its annual Moose Day. Volunteers from the community gather data to track moose locations, signs, and winter behavior. This data is part of Nature Mapping Jackson Hole, a program designed to give everyday people a role in local wildlife conservation.

Our Moose Mission: A Collaborative Effort

Moose Day is a collaborative effort between JHWF, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD), Grand Teton National Park, and the Bridger-Teton National Forest. Together, these organizations focus on collecting critical data about moose to monitor population trends and habitat use in Jackson Hole.

Certified citizen scientists and trained volunteers play a central role in Moose Day. Teams of two or three are assigned parcels to survey, often near private lands or developed areas where WGFD biologists face logistical challenges. Volunteers document moose sightings, tracks, scat, and browsing evidence. This collaborative approach allows for more comprehensive data collection, filling gaps that would be difficult for professional biologists to cover alone.

The data gathered during Moose Day is part of the Nature Mapping Jackson Hole program, which builds a long-term database of wildlife observations. By tracking moose and other species year-round, this community science initiative empowers local residents and visitors to contribute to conservation in a meaningful way. The data supports wildlife managers, researchers, and land-use planners in making informed decisions that protect wildlife and their habitats.

Moose Day is more than just data collection—it’s a rewarding experience that fosters a deeper connection to Jackson Hole’s wildlife and wild lands. It brings the community together for a shared purpose and highlights the importance of conserving the valley’s unique ecosystem.

Why Moose Day is Important

Moose populations in Jackson Hole have been declining due to habitat loss, warming winters, increased human activity, and disease. Winter is a particularly critical period to monitor because it’s when moose are most vulnerable. Deep snow can trap them in small areas, limiting their ability to find food and avoid predators. Meanwhile, access to key resources like willow flats or aspen groves becomes vital for survival.

The data collected during Moose Day helps:

  • Identify areas where moose are wintering successfully.
  • Track population trends over time.
  • Inform land management decisions to protect critical moose habitats.

By participating in Moose Day, volunteers play a direct role in wildlife conservation efforts, helping researchers and land managers better understand and address the challenges facing this iconic species.

Moose Day 2025:
Saturday February 22th

This year’s Moose Day is on Saturday, February 22nd, and the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation invites anyone with an interest in wildlife to participate. Volunteers will be assigned specific areas to document moose sightings, tracks, scat, and signs of browsing. These observations provide critical data about where moose are active during winter and how they’re using their habitat.

To participate, volunteers must register for both Moose Day and a required training session on Sunday, February 11th. The training is designed to prepare participants to accurately identify moose signs and report their findings using the Nature Mapping program. No prior experience is needed—just a willingness to contribute to wildlife conservation.

Join the Moose Day Effort

Moose Day is more than a volunteer opportunity—it’s a chance to contribute to meaningful wildlife science and connect with the natural world. By participating, you’ll help track the health and habits of one of Jackson Hole’s most iconic species while strengthening your connection to this special valley.

JHWF’s Blogs

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