Thanks for a Great Hosted Moose Day!

Thanks for a Great Hosted Moose Day!

We’d like to extend a special thank you to all the new participants and visitors who joined us at Rendezvous Park in sub-zero temperatures on the morning of February, 26th for Hosted Moose Day.

While only one of our hiking groups spotted a moose, it’s important to remember that in terms of scientific data collection, ‘zero’ is still an important number; the absence of moose on the north side of the Snake River levee near Emily Steven’s Park is still a valuable observation to have collected.

A full Moose Day report from all data collected by citizen-scientists in Jackson Hole will be released in the coming weeks.

We hope you enjoy the gallery of images (photos by Jonathan Selkowitz) from this chilly morning spent with frosty fingers, coffee from Pearl Street, and good company!

We look forward to seeing many of you again soon.

Where does the chicken cross the road? Thoughts on the things we wouldn’t know without your help

Where does the chicken cross the road? Thoughts on the things we wouldn’t know without your help

By Dr. Hannah Specht, University of Montana

Citizen scientists, the world round, invest in data collection on the understanding that this effort will contribute to expanding knowledge and the hope that it will move us forward. The timeline for knowledge expansion, and the application of that knowledge, however, can be painfully slow…sometimes long enough that we’ve forgotten about that long-ago data collection. Here, I want to take a moment to tell you about how some citizen science efforts have shaped both knowledge and action to the benefit of wildlife and humans alike near Jackson, Wyoming.

First, who am I that I have something to say about this? My name is Hannah Specht and I work as a wildlife research scientist at the University of Montana. One of the projects I work on is helping with the data analysis from the post-construction monitoring of wildlife collision reduction and movement infrastructure incorporated into the I-89 highway renovation between Jackson and Hoback Junction. Enter, citizen science data that many of you have been involved in collecting! For one, the locations of wildlife underpasses near the WYDOT yard and along Flat Creek were identified as being in areas with higher deer collision rates based on collision hotspot maps produced by Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation. These maps were based on data from Nature Mapping Jackson Hole as well as WYDOT Crash Data (both of which citizen scientists contribute to). Further, a collaborative initiative supported by volunteers did some pre-construction wildlife camera trapping at the locations where wildlife underpasses were installed, providing us with some baseline knowledge of the animal community. Finally, continued collision reporting has allowed us to compare collision rates before and after the wildlife crossing structures and fencing were installed.

So, what insight have these citizen science efforts offered us? The most important insight is that there were 30% fewer collisions between vehicles and large animals (elk, deer, moose) between Hoback and Jackson in just the first winter (2019-2020) that the underpass and fencing were installed (with the fencing extending only ~30% of the distance). We estimate that this reduction could represent up to $200k in cost savings to the community. We expect that, with additional time to get used to the crossing structures, these numbers will improve even more—we’re eager to update these analyses when the 2021 collision data are available! And, even now that underpasses and fences are installed, there are still problem points that collision reporting helps to identify.

Image: The locations of underpasses and fencing installed by WYDOT along Hwy 89 between Jackson and Hoback Junction Wyoming in 2019. Additional fencing has been installed since then.

In the first year since the wildlife underpasses were completed, we’ve seen a very similar suite of wildlife species using the underpasses as those that were using the area before underpass construction—we’re able to know this because of the camera trapping work conducted before underpass construction by JHWF and other collaborators.

When it comes down to it, growing our knowledge of wildlife and wildlife-human interactions often requires a lot of data across time and covering a large area, frequently beyond the scope of one organization. Citizen science exemplifies what we are capable of, together. Nevertheless, we are all naturally curious about what our collaborative efforts lead to, and in the context of citizen science, we don’t always get to know because sometimes that information doesn’t get used until years later. In other parts of my work, I draw on nature observations submitted to programs like iNaturalist, eBird and eMammal to design wildlife surveys- and it is constantly clear how valuable those data are in making our survey efforts more efficient and effective. So, as a user of citizen science data, I’m here to say thank you for the ways in which your participation in citizen science helps us learn things in later moments, even if we don’t always know ahead of time when those moments will be.

Take our Winter Wildlife Quiz!

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Jackson Hole ‘Winter Wildlife’ Quiz

Do you consider yourself an expert on all things winter-wildlife in the Jackson Hole area?

We hope this quiz will test your knowledge when it comes to a few species synonymous with cold temperatures and deep snow here in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.

As always, don’t forget to nature map your wildlife sightings when you’re out-and-about this winter!

1 / 9

Trumpeter Swans occur year-round in Jackson Hole.

In winter, it’s not uncommon to witness Trumpeter Swans flying between open water in the Snake River Corridor and Flat Creek Marsh.

True or False – Trumpeter Swans are assumed to mate for life.


2 / 9

Ermines’ coats turn white in winter to help them blend in with the snow, while elongate body shapes allow this predator to maneuver efficiently through subnivean tunnels in search of prey.

Which two species of weasels are you most likely to encounter in Jackson Hole?

3 / 9

Moose are also exceptionally well adapted to Wyoming’s winters.

However, warming temperatures and a dryer climate is likely to threaten moose populations in coming decades.

Above what winter temperature can moose start to experience “heat stress?”

4 / 9

The elusive wolverine is yet another creature linked to cold, snowy landscapes.

Known to travel extraordinary distances, in 2009 biologists tracked the movements of an individual wolverine from near Togwotee Pass (east of Grand Teton National Park) all the way to…..

5 / 9

Can you identify this hawk?

Pictured here is one of a handful of avian species that occurs in Jackson Hole exclusively in the wintertime.

Can you identify this hawk AND where it spends the summer (breeds)?

6 / 9

While wolves occur year-round in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, winter is an especially good time to be a wolf!

Wolves large paws act as snowshoes which keep them afloat while pursuing prey in deep snow. This advantage can translate into winter hunts having higher levels of success than summer hunts.

Do you know how many separate wolf packs currently inhabit nearby Yellowstone National Park?

7 / 9

Did you know that rabbits and hares are separate species?

Wyoming has both…but only one species of hare (pictured) has a coat that turns white in the winter.

This is likely a tricky question, but do you know how many species of hare are currently found in Wyoming?

8 / 9

When we consider wildlife well-adapted to winter, it’s hard not to think of the Canada lynx!

Although relatively high-quality lynx habitat exists on the eastern edge of Yellowstone, in the Wyoming range, and the northern Wind River Range, lynx are still extremely rare in Wyoming.

Which of the following variables are believed to strongly influence distribution and abundance of the Canada lynx?

9 / 9

The hardy, Black-capped Chickadee can withstand extremely cold temperatures and is one of two, resident Chickadee species which spends the winter in Jackson Hole.

True or False, Chickadees can expand the part of their brains known as the hippocampus by 30% to better remember where they stored their food!

Your score is

The average score is 56%


JHWF Receives Bear Wise Jackson Grant

JHWF Receives Bear Wise Jackson Grant

Did you know that Teton County experiences an average of 71 human-bear conflicts per year? Sadly, in 2021 alone, six grizzly bears were euthanized because of human food-conditioning.  

Now more than ever, we believe bears need our help if we are going to continue to coexist compatibly with our wild neighbors.

This is why we are thrilled to announce that over the holidays, JHWF received a generous grant from the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole to help fund a targeted expansion of our Bear Wise Jackson Communication Campaign during 2022.

Bear Wise Jackson is an ongoing partnership with Grand Teton National Park, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, Bridger-Teton National Forest, and the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation.

Research has shown that media coverage and educational materials may be effective in helping to increase regional tolerance for bears.

This broad-reaching educational campaign will be aimed at protecting bears (and people) by providing outreach to residents on how to live safely and compatibly in bear country. It will include materials such as public service announcements, doorhangers, social media, informational brochures and tangible promotional assets.

Examples of assets to be produced include:

  • A letter to Homeowners Associations placing emphasis on proper bear-resistant garbage storage plus, including a “Who to Call” list in case of emergency problem animal control.
  • Revised Bear Wise Jackson informational pamphlet via a county-wide mailing.
  • Management of Facebook and Instagram social media accounts for Bear Wise Jackson content 
  • Doorhangers developed and distributed by volunteers in neighborhoods about compliance with bear safety guidelines.  
  • Spring, summer, and fall public service announcements (PSAs) for airing on local radio stations.
  • Print ads placed in local newspaper seasonally about the importance of being Bear Wise.

We hope that by raising public awareness we can reduce the number of undesirable human-bears interaction that result in injury or death to both humans and bears, as well as increase public support for both grizzly and black bear conservation.

We’d like to thank you for your commitment to preserving wild bears here in Jackson Hole!

Grand Teton National Park’s Bird Program: a Collaborative Approach to Preservation

Grand Teton National Park’s Bird Program: a Collaborative Approach to Preservation

By John Stephenson, Grand Teton National Park wildlife biologist

While people flock to Grand Teton National Park for its spectacular wildlife often hoping for a glimpse of an elusive wolf or grizzly, most visitors are all but guaranteed sightings of remarkable bird species in their travels. Birds are ubiquitous in the park across elevations, seasons, and habitats. Charged with preserving its natural resources, the park relies on partnerships and collaborators to gather invaluable data on the many sensitive bird species in need of conservation. The avian program at Grand Teton National Park operates with the support of other agencies, non-profit organizations, research partners, and a small crew of seasonal staff and volunteers. The birds of the park, like most other wildlife populations, venture beyond the park boundaries, and understanding and protecting these species requires extensive collaboration.

The Biodiversity Research Institute’s permit for Harlequin Ducks research is one of dozens granted for avian studies each year by Grand Teton National Park. Harlequin Ducks winter off the Pacific Coast, but a portion of the population migrates inland to breed each spring in turbulent headwater streams of the Greater Yellowstone region.

At Grand Teton National Park, we are fortunate to have an abundance of bird species and associated long-term datasets for sensitive populations. Notably, greater sage-grouse lek counts date back to the late 1940s and nest productivity data for bald eagles, trumpeter swans, and peregrine falcons were first recorded in the 1980s. For bald eagles and peregrines, annual nest monitoring originated due to their listing under the Endangered Species Act and tracking productivity of these species allows us to follow population trends. Data for other species, such as osprey and great blue herons, help us assess the health of important and often scarce habitats.

In the park, we celebrate the vast amount of protected habitat that is home to stable and healthy bird populations. When the potential for conflict with recreationists exists, the park establishes closures to protect nest sites. We follow seasonal and buffer distance guidelines from the US Fish and Wildlife Service to maintain compliance with the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Most anglers and boaters are aware of the signed ½-mile no-stopping zones along the Snake River to protect occupied bald eagle nests throughout the summer. Similarly, a popular climbing route in the park has been seasonally closed for years to protect nesting peregrine falcons. In both cases, the public has supported and adhered to these closures which has helped the success of both species.

Resplendent scenery and world-class habitat preserved for mammals and birds alike, makes Grand Teton National Park as must-visit destination for wildlife enthusiasts.

While bald eagle, osprey, and peregrine populations have recovered and are stable within the park, other species are especially vulnerable. For species like greater sage-grouse, trumpeter swans, and common loons, the park participates in cooperative working groups comprised of many stakeholders all with the goal of conserving species on a regional scale across many jurisdictions. These working groups identify threats and causes for population declines and then provide recommendations to address concerns. For example, research has found that sage-grouse in Jackson Hole are limited by available winter habitat, and therefore, the local working group has promoted the preservation of sagebrush habitat and the restoration of the Antelope Flats Hayfields. With input from agency partners and the Wyoming Wetlands Society, regional efforts focus on protecting trumpeter swan nest sites and installing nest rafts to address sensitivity to human disturbance and fluctuating water levels. Common loons have also been helped in recent years by the collective expertise of Biodiversity Research Institute, the Ricketts Conservation Foundation, and our state and federal partners, resulting in the most known territorial pairs in the ecosystem since monitoring began in the late 1980s.

A Greater Sage Grouse takes to the wing against a Wyoming sky. The restoration of native vegetation to the Hayfields at Antelope Flats will ideally provide much needed habitat for this native range-fowl.

Additionally, we issue about a dozen bird-related research permits every year which increase our capacity to understand and ultimately preserve the birds that live in the park. Contributions from researchers working in cooperation with the park have identified migration routes and wintering areas for osprey (Craighead Beringia South), long-billed curlews (Boise State University), harlequin ducks (Biodiversity Research Institute), and rough-legged hawks (Craighead Beringia South and Teton Raptor Center); documented great gray owl and northern goshawk productivity (Teton Raptor Center); discovered a new sharp-tailed grouse lek (University of Wyoming); investigated songbird response to habitat restoration in Antelope Flats (University of Wyoming); surveyed for harlequin duck broods and yellow-billed cuckoos (Teton Conservation District), and documented the nesting ranges of Clark’s nutcracker (Cornell University) and black rosy-finch in the Tetons (University of Wyoming).

Another key project in the park is the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) bird banding station at the Kelly campus of the Teton Science Schools. This banding site has operated since 1991; is one of the ten longest running MAPS stations in the continent; and has stayed aloft with the generous support of the Teton Science Schools, the Teton Raptor Center, and the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation. This site contributes to the understanding of bird population trends throughout their range and has also provided key data locally. Of particular significance was the capture of a yellow-billed cuckoo in July 2000—the only confirmed observation in the park of this federally threatened species.

A professional bird-bander handles a Black-headed Grosbeak captured at the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) bird banding station at the Kelly campus of the Teton Science Schools. This banding site has operated since 1991 and is supported by Teton Science Schools, the Teton Raptor Center, and the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation.

The birds of Grand Teton have benefited from the interest, expertise, and time of collaborators and partners. Additionally, we value and solicit wildlife observations from the public. Millions of visitors travel through the park every year, drawn by the dramatic scenery and promise of seeing rare or charismatic wildlife. We welcome your reports of common loons, yellow-billed cuckoos, and forest raptors, among many others! From the bald eagle, our national symbol, to the western states’ iconic greater sage-grouse, birds highlight the importance of wild and protected land, the fragility of our natural world, and the power of collaboration.

Celebrate Wildlife!

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