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Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation Media Mentions
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‘Like Instagram for Animals’
WEDNESDAY, October, 2021
By Mike Koshmrl | Jackson Hole News and Guide
Trevor Bloom, Kate Gersh and Linda Merigliano circled around a game camera strapped to a standing dead tree just far enough off the Wilson Canyon trail to be somewhat inconspicuous. The motion-triggered device, labeled N2N19, is one of 27 taking still photos in the greater Snow King area right now.
New Speed Signs Aim to Reduce Wilson Area Wildlife Deaths
WEDNESDAY, October 10, 2020
By Ryan Dorgan | JH News and Guide
This week the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) will be installing two radar speed feedback signs along the east and westbound lanes on WY 22 in Wilson.
Wildlife Keeps Seidler’s Soul Happy
WEDNESDAY, August, 26th 2020
By Mike Koshmrl | JH News and Guide
Especially in her professional life, Renee Seidler feels like she’s switching things up all the time. Seidler is perhaps best known in the community as a scientist, but she arrived in the Wydaho region a quarter century ago as a river guide living out of a truck.
Save a sage grouse, drop a fence line
WEDNESDAY, August 26
By Mike Koshmrl | Jackson Hole News and Guide
CORA — Until he saw it with his own eyes, Dale Woolwine was skeptical that barbed-wire fences could be all that perilous for sage grouse. Woolwine, a biologist for the Bureau of Land Management, works on a landscape where omnipresent fences divvy up the landscape into pasture systems that Sublette County’s cattlemen and woolgrowers run livestock on.
New Fixed Radar Signs Installed in Wilson
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
By JHWF | Teton Valley News
This week the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) will be installing two radar speed feedback signs along the east and west bound lanes on WY 22 in Wilson. The purchase and installation of these signs was facilitated through a partnership with WYDOT, Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation (JHWF), Teton Conservation District, and Teton County, Wyoming.
JH Wildlife Foundation to Remove Fence in the Gros Ventre
Tuesday, September 9 2020
JACKSON, Wyo. — The Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation will launch another fence removal project next weekend with the option to camp overnight.
JHWF is asking for volunteers to join them as they begin two days of fence removal in the Upper Gros Ventre on September 19-20.
Time for a Conservation ‘Moonshot’
WEDNESDAY, September 25, 2019
By Jon Mobeck | Headwaters Magazine: JH News and Guide
It’s 9:15 on a summer evening in Jackson Hole.
A common nighthawk zips above the cottonwoods, its white wing bars giving it away in the twilight. PEEENT! Hear it? Nearby, a great horned owl perches, eyes fixed on a skunk. READ THE ARTICLE.
Citizen-Scientists Look to the Future
WEDNESDAY, August 28, 2019
By Leonore Grave | JH News and Guide
When Frances Clark moved to the valley eight years ago a mention of nature mapping in the newspaper caught her eye.
A nature lover, Clark showed up to her first training and was drawn to the idea of being able to help local wildlife, and to do so with a flexible schedule.
Professional Bird Banders Keep Kelly Research Alive
WEDNESDAY, August, 7th 2019
By Leonore Grave | JH News and Guide
The early scientist gets the bird. Every Wednesday morning for the past 10 weeks the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation bird banding crew rose before dawn to set up mist nets around the Teton Science Schools campus near Kelly.
Volunteer Group Removed or Improved over 200 Miles of Wildlife Obstructive Fences
By Kamila Kudelska | Wyoming Public Media
A few days before coming to Jackson, Taylor Chapple will be on a boat in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
But for Chapple, a Stanford University researcher affiliated with the Schmidt Ocean Institute, finding himself afloat in a foreign sea isn’t that
Scientist to Separate Fact from Fiction
By Becca Harris | JH News and Guide: Scene
A few days before coming to Jackson, Taylor Chapple will be on a boat in the middle of the Indian Ocean.
But for Chapple, a Stanford University researcher affiliated with the Schmidt Ocean Institute, finding himself afloat in a foreign sea isn’t that unusual. READ THE ARTICLE
Tracking Moose to Save Them
By Mike Koshmrl | JH News and Guide
A slightly skinny, smallish cow moose that now goes by Yellow 18 was having a rough day.
It had been a hard winter, for starters. With her grown yearling calf at her side the denizen of the Snake River’s west bank had waded through a historic low-elevation snowpack for months just to nibble on tree buds and willow shoots to stay alive. READ THE FULL ARTICLE
Avoiding Wildlife-Vehicle Collisions
KHOL 89.1 Community Radio PSA
FRIDAY, Feb. 1, 2019
JHWF radio PSA on driver awareness and preventing wildlife-vehicle collisions in Teton County. Read courtesy of Jackson Hole Moose Hockey Goalie Nick Krauss.

Safety Upgrades Eyed for Wilson
SUNDAY, Dec. 2, 2018
By Allie Gross | Jackson Hole Daily
At the behest of concerned citizens, the county is seeking help from the Wyoming Department of Transportation to make downtown Wilson safer.
In a Nov. 5 letter, the Teton County Board of County Commissioners requested that WYDOT work with the county to hire a transportation consultant who would evaluate options for improving safety in Wilson, such as adding sidewalks, pathways and additional crosswalks, reconfiguring parking along the highway and resurfacing the road. READ THE ARTICLE

Finding a Way to Join the Conservation Effort
WEDNESDAY, Oct. 24, 2018
By Melissa Cassutt | Jackson Hole Daily
Within 20 minutes of adjusting the wire fencing to allow for easy migration, the crew watched three mule deer move through the area.
It’s as thought the animals were waiting, Kyle Kissock said, “binding their time in the bush.” READ THE ARTICLE
Landscape Level Ecology: Cultivating Connections Between People and Land
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 12, 2018
By Jon Mobeck | Mosaic
Mosaic Magazine is a product of the Tetons 2020 effort led by the Charture Institute and Jonathan Schechter. It is a response to the vision outlined by Teton County and Jackson City Council in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan from 2012. Mosaic will address different aspects of the health of the region’s ecosystem. READ THE FULL EDITION. READ THE ARTICLE.

Banded Avians Offer Insight Into Bluebird Behavior
WEDNESDAY, Sept. 5, 2018
Melissa Cassutt | Jackson Hole Daily
They knew Box 16 was home to baby bluebirds. First-year nest box volunteers Patti Roser and Andrew Langford, who were charged with the care of Boxes 14 though 23, couldn’t wait to peek in.
To be honest, they’d been peering in on the nestlings for weeks, a job they were awarded when coming onto the Mountain Bluebird Nestbox Trail Project, a monitoring endeavor that tracks when the beloved birds arrive in Jackson Hole, when they begin nesting, when the first hatchlings punch out of their blue shells. CLICK TO READ THE ARTICLE

Making Migration Safer, One Strand at a Time
WEDNESDAY, July 4, 2018
By Frederica Kolwey | Jackson Hole News and Guide
A pronghorn lingered nearby as Steve Morriss removed barbed wire from an obsolete fence on the Pinto Ranch in Grand Teton National Park.
“It waited for us to be done, said ‘thank you’ and then went on its way,” Morriss said about the encounter, which happened years ago but left an indelible impression. READ THE ARTICLE HERE

Baby Bluebirds Get Banded
WEDNESDAY, June 13, 2018
By Melissa Cassutt | Jackson Hole News and Guide
Days-old chicks were carefully captured and banded Sunday as part of an ongoing study on mountain bluebirds.
This season is the second that Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation staff have banded the birds in hopes of gathering more data on the species and its migratory patterns. One bird that was banded last year, an adult female, has already been spotted nesting in the area again. READ THE FULL ARTICLE

Down for the Yearly Moose Count
WEDNESDAY, Feb. 28, 2018
By Melissa Cassutt | Jackson Hole News and Guide
After two hours and 20 minutes slowly scanning yards and fields between South Park Loop and High School roads, driving up and down the side streets off Gregory Lane and rolling down Boyles Hill Road, the four-person Moose Day group spotted zero moose.
“I’m sure we drove past several moose and they were just hunkered down,” said Kate Gersh, associate director of the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation. READ THE FULL ARTICLE
Scout and refuge aid bluebirds
WEDNESDAY, Dec. 21, 2016
By Bert Raynes | Jackson Hole News&Guide
Back in October 52 new bluebird houses went up on the National Elk Refuge. The nesting boxes are the result of a community partnership dedicated to wildlife conservation and a bird-loving Eagle Scout candidate.
Wooden boxes dot the refuge’s western boundary, making up the largest registered mountain bluebird trail in the continental United States. Since 2004 Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation volunteers have maintained the bluebird trail by checking boxes, recording use and cleaning the boxes between broods. READ THE ARTICLE
Wildlife Foundation honored for fence work
TUESDAY, Nov. 22, 2016
By Mike Koshmrl | Jackson Hole News & Guide
The Wildlife Society’s Wyoming chapter has honored a Jackson-based nonprofit organization for the work it has completed to remove fences and make the local landscape more permeable for wildlife.
The Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation is the recipient of the society’s 2016 Citizen of the Year Award for its Wildlife Friendlier Fencing Program. READ THE ARTICLE
Dike gets critter ramps
By Mike Koshmlr | Jackson Hole News & Guide
It’s hard to imagine, but moose, elk and other hoofed critters struggle to navigate the engineered piles of rocks and boulders that hold back the Snake River throughout much of Jackson Hole.
The levees, in other words, are a major wildlife impediment — among their many other impacts on the natural regime. READ THE ARTICLE
Retired biologist fulfills dreams
WEDNESDAY, April 27, 2016
By Isa Jones | Jackson Hole News&Guide
Tim Griffith went to college to study wildlife biology and received a master’s degree in the field. But it took almost a lifetime, and a move from the Midwest to Jackson Hole, for him to finally use his education and indulge in his true passion: studying wildlife.
“This is the first time in my life I’ve really been able to actually do what I went to school to do,” Griffith said. “It’s really fun for me to have the opportunity to become a wildlife researcher again.” READ THE ARTICLE
Photo Credit: RYAN DORGAN
Jackson Hole News&Guide
Countin’ critters
By Mike Koshmrl | Jackson Hole News & Guide
The find of the day came before Frances Clark even had much of a chance to leave her car.
Pulled over near Gros Ventre Junction, Clark was peering into a spotting scope fixed on a small yellow-chested bird perched atop a shrub. The spotting, at least for a birder in early March, was an exciting one. READ THE ARTICLE
Photo credit: RYAN JONES
Jackson Hole News & Guide
Potluck to feature talk on wolverines, lynx
By Kelsey Dayton | Jackson Hole News & Guide
Nature mappers — volunteers who look for and document wildlife sightings — are always hoping to see something unusual.
Jason Wilmot, a wildlife biologist with the Bridger-Teton National Forest, spends his days tracking wolverines and lynx, two of the area’s most difficult-to-spy species. READ THE ARTICLE
Photo Credit: KORY PETTMAN
Highway 390 sees dip in road-killed critters
By Mike Koshmrl | Jackson Hole News & Guide
Not a single moose was reportedly hit by a Highway 390 motorist in 2015, good news for a stretch of road that’s been plagued by collisions in the past.
The 7.5 miles of Highway 390 between Wilson and Teton Village had been the site of at least 36 moose collisions in the previous five years, but the West Bank community mobilized to make a number of changes that appear to be saving the lives of moose. READ THE ARTICLE
Moose Day Survey remains steady
The eighth annual Moose Day Jackson Hole survey was conducted on Saturday, February 27, 2016 from 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in collaboration with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department.
73 volunteers from trained Nature Mapping Citizen Scientists, Wyoming Game and Fish Department and Bridger-Teton National Forest personnel took part spending an estimated 223 hours of volunteer time. 99 individual moose were observed in 58 individual search areas. READ THE ARTICLE
Enjoy seeing wildlife in Jackson Hole? Become a volunteer nature mapper
Here in Jackson Hole wildlife is everywhere. We see moose in our front yards, elk crossing the road, eagles soaring above town and bears in the park.
Nature Mapping Jackson Hole, a program of the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation, enables residents who enjoy observing local wildlife to put those observations to use. READ THE ARTICLE
Mobeck to take the helm of JH Wildlife Foundation
By Mike Koshmrl | Jackson Hole News & Guide
A former Murie Center staffer has been named the next executive director of the Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation.
Jon Mobeck, a decadelong Jackson Hole resident who recently moved away, will take over at the foundation for the departed Cory Hatch. For the past year Mobeck has worked for the Wild Foundation in Boulder, Colorado. The Wildlife Foundation hire brings him back to Teton County. READ THE ARTICLE
Signs to slow drivers go up on Village Road
By Mike Koshmrl | Jackson Hole News & Guide
Nearly four years after motorists hit and killed nearly a dozen moose, conservation groups and road managers continue to tweak Highway 390 to try to make it safer for wildlife.
The latest addition to the heavily trafficked road, which runs from Highway 22 to Teton Village, is two new fixed radar speed-detector signs that flash warnings when motorists cruise above the speed limit. READ THE ARTICLE
Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation Pulling Down Fences to Improve Elk Migration Corridors
By Tony Hansen | Outdoor Life Magazine
Fences. Perhaps the only item more symbolic of a lack of public access than a “No Trespassing” sign is a fence.
Three strands or five. Barbed or high-tensile. A fence sends a pretty clear message: Keep out. To wildlife, it can carry another message: Death. The Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation is trying to change that, one mile at a time. READ THE ARTICLE
Photo credit: DAVID J. SWIFT
Outdoor Life Magazine
Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation
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