Drop-Fences Benefit Sage Grouse
Fence-strikes are killing Greater Sage-Grouse along “high-risk” fences at alarming rates. Learn how we’re collaborating to lower seven miles of fence annually to help conserve Wyoming’s most iconic game bird.
Fence Inventory Map of Sage Grouse Core Area
This map contains fence locations and attributes of fences on public lands in portions of Grand Teton National Park (GTNP) and the Gros Ventre River drainage on the Bridger-Teton National Forest (BTNF) based on an inventory project of fences within Greater Sage Grouse Core Habitat. DISCLAIMER: Existing fences displayed are to within approximately 100 feet of best-known location. All fences inventoried were either on public land or bordering public land or roadway easements.
Why build drop fences in Sublette, County?
Collisions with fences while in flight cause high rates of Sage-Grouse mortality throughout the West, which is a major problem for a species considered “near-threatened” and widely in decline.
Mortalities are exacerbated along “high-risk” fences located near spots where Grouse congregate during winter or to breed.
While deterrents such as reflective markers have been shown to reduce strike-rates at some localities, partner data from Sublette County indicates the effects of markers can be marginal at best; high-risk fences continue to kill birds at an alarming rate even while marked.
Since October 2017, JHWF in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)-Pinedale Office, has used Jonah Interagency Office (JIO) funding to modify and seasonally lower seven miles of fence where these collisions are known to occur.

Where we work
The fences lowered seasonally in Sublette County are shown in red.
These fences are then raised again when grazing occurs.
We work in coordination with the BLM, ranchers, volunteers, and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers to accomplish this raising and lowering process.

Get involved!
If you’d like to help drop fences we’re always interested in bringing on extra hands.
Don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Photo Credits:
Henry Holdsworth
Mark Gocke
Steve Morriss
Sava Malachowski
Leine Stikkel
Tim Griffith
Jon Mobeck
Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation
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Jackson, WY 83001
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Jackson, WY 83002
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