Ramps for Wildlife
This summer, we worked with the Teton Conservation District, Teton County, Army Corps of Engineers and Feuz Excavation to strategically install ramps on the levee of the Snake River to enable safe passage for wildlife crossing the river. As riprap along the river in its current state is challenging for wildlife to navigate, this project creates more passable habitat in the Snake River Corridor.
Check out this video showing what we’ve captured using the ramps so far!
The Snake River Corridor
Vital ground for Wyoming’s wildlife
The Snake River Corridor in Jackson Hole supports vital habitat relied upon by many of our most treasured wildlife species. It is also valued for its beauty, environmental health benefits, and contributions to our economy.
What is the Snake River Corridor?
Scroll Down for the Storymap and Video
Watch the new video!
Snake River Corridor Project
Vital ground – Adopting a wildlife perspective
The Snake River Corridor is Jackson Hole’s primary artery for wildlife movement and migration. We believe that by viewing the landscape through the eyes of the wild animals we share it with we can better understand and protect this incredible resource.
Scroll through our Vital Ground StoryMap below or click the blue button below to visit this StoryMap in full screen.
Wildlife Levee Ramps to Make a Comeback
We are excited to recognize the Teton Conservation District (TCD), Teton County and private partners for providing funding and labor to add more wildlife ramps to the Snake River Levee that will benefit wildlife access.
Navigating the boulder-armored levee system is challenging even for humans hoping to access the river; our ungulates—primarily moose, elk, deer and their offspring—have a daily challenge of navigation with small hooves and long, thin vulnerable legs. As one of many unintended consequences of our presence, our levee system allows us to live safely near the beloved Snake River, but is an impediment to wildlife movement.
Wildlife loved the levee ramps from these videos, which we helped install to make it easier for animals to access the Snake River in 2015. The new ramps (coming 2021-2022) will look similar to the 2015 ramps shown here!
Common Ground in Conservation
The Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation is one of many organizations working to address the threats posed to the Snake River Corridor due to an expanding human footprint. What are our partners up to?
Click on an organization below to learn more!
Jackson Hole Land Trust
The Jackson Hole Land Trust works to prevent habitat loss and fragmentation by working with landowners to place conservation easements on valuable wildlife habitat.
Trout Unlimited
TU works to restore and protect the headwaters of the upper Snake River and its fishery by implementing restoration projects to benefit native trout.
Protect our Water JH
Protect Our Water Jackson Hole advocates for reducing nutrient pollution and protecting water quality in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
The Snake River Fund
The Snake River Fund provides education about aquatic invasive species and advocates for stewardship and responsible public access along the Snake River Corridor.
Teton Conservation District
The Teton Conservation District allocates grants to landowners to address water quality issues, waterbody health, aquatic habitat, flooding, and erosion.
Friends of Bridger-Teton
Partners with PAWS to promote responsible dog ownership in ecologically sensitive areas to help protect pets, our wildlife and our watersheds.
How Can I Help Protect the Snake River Corridor?
Habitat fragmentation, isolation and degradation of habitats threatens many species’ long-term resilience, but solutions are at our fingertips. Below are simple steps you can take to be a part of protecting the riparian ecosystem along the Snake River.

Tips for Residents
- Drive the speed limit especially at night, dawn and dusk
- Support public investment in wildlife crossing structures
- Convert fences to “wildlife-friendly” styles
- Keep waterways clean by limiting fertilizer use
- Consider a conservation easement on your property

Tips for Visitors
- Abide by winter range closures in Grand Teton National Park and Bridger-Teton National Forest
- Drive the speed limit especially at night, dawn and dusk
- Give wildlife space (at least 25 yards for moose and elk)
- Keep dogs leashed or under voice control while in wildlife habitat
Make a Difference by Getting Involved
The Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation offers several ways to help with data collection and habitat improvement efforts in the Snake River Corridor and the greater Jackson Hole area.
Map Your Wildlife Sightings
By recording your wildlife observations in our Nature Mapping database you will provide valuable data to local scientists which will inform land management decisions favorable to wildlife.
Give Wildlife a Break
Where are wildlife-vehicle collisions most likely to occur? This program maps roadkill in Jackson Hole and helps to raise funding for projects which will reduce collisions on our roadways.
Join us on a Fence Project
Wildlife-friendlier fencing improves permeability for wildlife movement and migration. Our volunteers remove or improve fence to make our landscape more permeable for wildlife in the greater Jackson Hole area.
This trail camera (above video) was placed within the Snake River Corridor south of Moose, Wyoming in the winter for 2020/2021. Click play to see who showed up!
“There is growing awareness of the beauty of country… a sincere desire to keep some of it for all time. People are beginning to value highly the fact that a river runs unimpeded for a distance…
They are beginning to obtain deep satisfaction from the fact that a herd of elk may be observed in back country. They are beginning to seek the healing relaxation that is possible in wild country. In short, they want it.”